The way a student dresses reflects values and attitudes. A student’s appearance should be neat, should show respect for school and others, and should not be a distraction to learning.
School Uniform Policy
There are no specific required brands or fabrics, items must simply be of the specified style outlined below.
Any clothing items with the old Blessed Trinity Logo are grandfathered into this uniform dress code and are not subject to these guidelines.
Clothing is not to have any writing or decals on it and is to be in plain, solid colors.
Clothing optionally may have the new or old Blessed Trinity Logo on it.
Any indicated clothing items available in the Spirit Wear Store are also options.
If students want a warm layer for the classroom, they may wear or keep in their lockers a sweater, sweatshirt (HOODLESS), or fleece-style jacket in plain, solid colors - navy, cardinal red, or white (no burgundy or gray)
If there are individual concerns, please contact the school office.
Uniform exchange/purchase of a used uniform for $5 may be conducted through communication with the school office.
No shorts during Mass for girls or boys.
Colors: Navy, Cardinal Red, White
Style: Collared, Button-Down or Polo, Short or Long-Sleeved
Colors: Navy or Khaki
Style: Casual/khaki style pants (no cargo, jeans, jogger, or sweat style)
Shorts: Knee length casual/khaki-style and colors listed above, allowed April 1 through September 30 except while attending Mass. Boys can change into shorts following Mass (this is a privilege).
Colors: Navy, Cardinal Red, White
Style: Collared Button-Down or Polo, Short or Long Sleeved
Colors: Navy or Khaki
Style: Casual/khaki style pants (no cargo, jeans, jegging, legging, or sweat style)
Skirts, Skorts, and Jumpers
Colors: Navy or Khaki
Style: Knee-length or longer
Regarding Jumpers: Navy, Cardinal Red, or White collared shirts are to be worn underneath
Tights or leggings or shorts are required under skirts or jumpers.
Students in Grades 4/5 have the privilege of changing for gym. This is a privilege and may be revoked due to academic or behavioral concerns.
Acceptable clothing for gym includes (for both boys and girls):
Athletic shorts
Girls must wear leggings underneath or have shorts that goes to the bottom of the fingertips when arms are down.
Following Out of Uniform Code
Uniform clothing
Not acceptable: tank tops, short shorts, skorts, or skirts (unless uniform)
Gym clothes must be taken home and washed, they may not be kept in lockers
If students do not have appropriate gym clothing, they will be asked to change back into uniform for gym class.